viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

[[[conversation]]] the last vacation]]

Aaron] hi friend, how are you?

Felix] i am fine, thank you. Where were you going last vacation?

Aaron] i went to italia, just to Rome

Felix] Really, it sounds wonderfull. Did you visit the Coliseo?

Aaron] yes, and i was imprest of that.

Felix] How long did you stay ay italia?

Aaron] Just one week. Ihad would like to be more time but  is expensive for me

Felix] And what about girls?

Aaron] ohh muy god , very good, they are beautiful and very friendly.

Felix] So, did you go back for next vacations?

Aaron] oh yes, i think so, but maybe I could not, because I will have no enough money fot that.
Ok my firend, I have taken about me, but what  about you? Where did you spend vacations?

Felix] Just here at home. Our parents don´t have enough moner to send us on vacations.

Aaron]ok my god . that´s is sad, but I hope some day you can trael for vacations
Well, Ihave to go . Nice to see you . Have a nice day.

Felix] Okay, see you later. Have a nice day

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