martes, 9 de agosto de 2011

conversacion final!!

-Hi guys
-What happend?
-I have an accident
-How do you feel?
-Good thanks, I had a car accident, lends very hurt
-It hurt anything
-Yes, my arms my shoulders my head but I will hope heal shortly because, I want play with my brothers and sisters.
-You should take your aspirins and your medicines
-You could relax every day
-That´s good soggestions and you should eat
-Heal food for get better quickly
-I will play for you health
-Thank´s friends
-You should go home.
-tomorrow have to go to school?
-yes, because it will exam.
-Hello, you finished the homework
-Not because I had the accident yesterday
-You should go to the hospital
-You studied for the exam?
-If it looks like it'll be easy, we go to breakfast
-OK, I want breakfast I recommend fruit.
-I get the new teacher, go to the classroom
-As will the teacher?
-I do not meet a new teacher
-I think that would be serious and formal
-Or cool and friendly

-Good!!! great
-Good bye
-See you later

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